Key Elements:

Let me help you connect the dots of digital dentistry.

by Karla Soto, DDS


To solve this puzzle I finally took the plunge and created Key Elements. I decided to call it Key Elements because to me there have been several key elements in my journey that have been especially important and I want to share it so that in the end you can find your happy place doing something you’re good at get paid for, something the world needs, and you absolutely love.

Practice changing

How to be part of Key Elements?

There are two ways - choose from the options below to join:

Fire Membership
Every year

Join our group of engage, collaborative and fun group where we meet monthly on virtual sessions, have access to our Discord and on demand video library (includes access to the Invisalign Smile Architect track).

KE Invisalign Smile Architect Track
Every year

On demand video content by Dr. Karla Soto where you will have access to videos that give an overview of Smile Architect, from Simple to Moderate to Complex Cases, Mock Ups, 3D controls and more!

The KE Event

Our in person event - unparalleled, immersive and interactive learning experience (and a lot of fun) - first come, first serve for Key Elements Fire Members for this exclusive event. Next one is October 11-12, 2024 - mark your calendars!

Key Elements

  • Joins us on our monthly sessions where we all meet and I give a presentation and we then talk about the topic with actual cases. Where ever you are - have your cameras on and join a one of kind high energy engaging learning experience!

  • Whether you want to look at the recorded live sessions or watch the library of recorded How To Videos for tips and tricks - you will have access to content on your own time.

  • A Fire Members only event where I’ve taken some of my favorite parts of In Person events and condensed it into a curated, new experience. This experiential event will take us on a journey where technology meets a tangible use case at the Align experience center - a playground we will have all to ourselves!

  • To keep the conversation going for our bespoke group, we have our private Discord server. Here we can continue the dialogue between our live sessions and amplify collective learning. Ask about cases or situations and have a community to support you!

  • Lots of little goodies in store for the Key Elements members. Whether its discounts to products and platforms, to VIP Early Access, first looks, special events and projects.

Why Key Elements for female dentists?

Empowering dentists all over the world is a big goal for Key Elements but somehow it’s also become a platform for my fellow female colleagues to inspire and empower each other. Together, we can overcome the challenges of being clinicians, entrepreneurs, moms when we work smarter. The industry is quickly changing and we need more female leaders in the field, to be a small part in contributing to any individual, male or female, stepping up to make dentistry better, is already a dream come true for me.

Monthly Live Online Sessions Overview

Pathways to Digital II

Building on the previous session, let’s take a deeper dive into implementing Digital to improve the patient experience. Elevate your planning, case presentation and confidence to better communicate the Why to your patients (and team!). Here we discuss Interdisciplinary Case Sequence, CE Journey & recommendations, Different virtual resources: Virtual Appointments & Virtual Care, Intro to Direct Composite (Injectable), Using Mock ups to present different treatment options, Full Digital for missing laterals: ortho, surgery, restorative


To be honest- this is a huge part of my flow for all my comprehensive patients. Setting up the perfect canvas for comprehensive treatment is a requirement for holistic, conservative dentistry. In this segment we will discuss basic set ups for pre restorative alignment and we will also go over some tips and tricks for connecting your restorative design with the set up for your clinchecks. Trust me- it’s not usually what you get back on your first Clincheck. Set ups for restorative, choosing what kind of restoration, set up prior to implants or crown lengthening, etc. Interdisciplinary starts with the right tooth position, 3D Controls will be reviewed.

DSD & Emotional Dentistry

Diving deep into the most powerful philosophy in Dentistry- DSD Style! In this session I will go in details on the consult, smile design, mock up, putting together the presentation, communicating the plan and discussing finances. Full workflow to feel confident when giving patients the amazing experience of the Smile Test Drive. What to delegate? What do you do yourself? I got you ;) We also discuss Mindset, Philosophy & Emotional Dentistry, Facial analysis & Smile Design, Records, Mock up step by step, DSD Room & DSD Workflow: Who/What/Where, Patient Journey, Products for digital planning in different disciplines:., Surgical, restorative, ortho, and, Clincheck review with DSD ideal design

Invisalign Smile Architect

This right here may be the beginning of the full holistic experience! Align’s approach to combining restorative and alignment coming soon! More details on this as soon as the green light for official launch is given BUT just know that the first 5 sessions of Key Elements should prepare you for this! Here we will discuss case types, Ortho restorative setups review, 3D Controls: Restorative Modifications. 3D Controls: Tooth movements, Interdisciplinary, Patient communication, ISA clincheck review system, Comparing plans, and, Tips & Hacks

Pathways to Digital III

With the foundation set in sessions 1 and 2, let’s look at how we make these treatments a reality. Moving from what we’ve created virtually to the operatory can be challenging - let’s discuss ways to help you deliver on your promise to the patients in a practical way. Here we will discuss focusing on setups, the full digital restorative sequence: plan, communicate & perform, Clinical footage: step by step guided anterior implant and Clincheck intro to features and review

Pathways to Digital I

Let’s set a foundation and review the available resources in the digital dentistry world and how to apply them to your dental practice. Here we discuss, Digital Records, Scanning tips for restorative, iTero Features, Digital Files: Motivational Vs. Ideal, Dental philosophies, Sequence of Interdisciplinary, Sequence of Digital workflows and Mindset: Global Diagnosis vs. narrow view

What people are saying



Is this in person or virtual?

The cornerstone of Key Elements will be monthly live interactive virtual sessions. But we will also have the opportunity to meet in person with special events to complement the journey 🤓.

What do I get?

  • Access to live virtual events with interactive treatment planning sessions

  • Access to live recorded sessions, How To video library, worksheets

  • Access to our Discord server

  • Discounts to related courses, materials & equipment.

  • Our digital starter pack

If I missed the live virtual event can I still watch?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What do I need?

  • An open mind 😁

  • A computer for the live virtual sessions

  • A smartphone (or computer) to connect with our community in Discord

How will the community be interacting?

The main platform for us to interact between the live virtual session will be through our Discord server. Once you are a member, you will receive an invitation for the Key Elements Discord server.

What is Discord?

Discord is an app that will let us keep our communications organized and accessible. We will be able to communicate by text messaging, have voice/video calls, exchange files - basically think of it as WhatsApp on steroids.

Once you are a member, you will get an invite link so you can join us.